Sorting data in tables

You can sort data in an individual column, in several columns, or in an entire table. For example, you can sort a list of names alphabetically, or you can sort a list of historical dates chronologically.

To sort data in a table column

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Sorting data in tables
Select a column.
Click the Sort table WordPerfect Office pgx sorttable Sorting data in tables button on the property bar.
Choose one of the following options:
Alpha ascending — sorts data alphabetically from A to Z
Alpha descending — sorts data alphabetically from Z to A
Numeric ascending — sorts data numerically from lowest number to highest number
Numeric descending — sorts data numerically from highest number to lowest number
Dates ascending — sorts data chronologically from the oldest date to the most recent date
Dates descending — sorts data chronologically from the most recent date to the oldest date

WordPerfect Office note Sorting data in tables

If you use header rows in a table, they will not be sorted with the rest of the data in the table.

WordPerfect Office tip Sorting data in tables

You can sort more than one column at a time by selecting a group of columns or the entire table.

Sorting data in tables