Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

You can skew (slant) the top row or the left or right column of a table. You can also change the skew angle and specify other skew options.

WordPerfect Office skewtable Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

These are examples of several skew table presets.

When you change the skew of the top row, you can square the edge of the first or last column to create a box effect. This prevents the cells from extending beyond the edge of the table.

You can rotate the contents of a table cell counterclockwise. Rotated text is placed in a text box.

To skew cells in a table

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents
Select a table.
Click Table WordPerfect Office onestep Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents Format.
Click the Skew tab.
Choose the cells you want skewed from the Skew settings list.
Click More.
From the Skew rows list box, choose one of the following:
None — lets you leave the top row unskewed
Top — lets you specify the skew angle for the top row
From the Skew columns list box, choose one of the following:
None — lets you leave the columns unskewed
Left column — lets you specify the skew angle for the left column
Right column — lets you specify the skew angle for the right column

You can also
Create a 90-degree angle with the first column and the top row
Enable the Square first column check box.
Create a 90-degree angle with the last column and the top row
Enable the Square last column check box.
Join the edge of the first or last column with the top row
Enable the Join corners check box.
Modify the skew angle of the top row, left column, or right column
Type a skew angle in the appropriate Angle box.

WordPerfect Office note Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

The Square first column and Square last column check boxes are available only if the top row is skewed. The Join corners check box is available only if the left or right column is skewed.
You may need to increase the row height of a skewed row to accommodate the text. For information about changing the height of a row, see “To change the height of a table row.”

WordPerfect Office tip Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

To prevent text from slanting, disable the Skew text check box.

To rotate contents of table cells

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents
Select a cell.
Click Table WordPerfect Office onestep Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents Format.
Click the Cell tab.
Choose one of the following from the Rotate list box:
90 degrees
180 degrees
270 degrees

WordPerfect Office note Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

When you rotate a table cell containing a formula, the formula is permanently replaced by its result.

To edit rotated contents of table cells

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents
Right-click the contents in a rotated cell, and click Content.
Click Edit.
In the Text Box Editor, edit the text.
Click File WordPerfect Office onestep Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents Close.

WordPerfect Office note Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

When you edit rotated text, the Text Box Editor displays the text in a separate editing window.

WordPerfect Office tip Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents

You can also open the Text Box Editor by clicking the rotated cell contents.

Skewing table cells and rotating cell contents