Formatting and aligning text in tables

You can change the font and font attributes of text in a cell, row, column, or table. You can also apply other formatting, such as highlighting, indenting, drop caps and so on. For more information, see “Formatting text.”

WordPerfect lets you change the alignment of text in a cell, column, or table. You can also adjust the amount of white space around text in a cell, column, or table by specifying margins. For more information, see “Specifying margins in tables.”

To change the font and font attributes of text in a cell

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Formatting and aligning text in tables
Select a cell.
Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Formatting and aligning text in tables Font, and choose the font and font attributes you want.

WordPerfect Office note Formatting and aligning text in tables

The font and font attributes you choose for the text in the selected cell are applied also to new text you add to the cell. If you want newly added text to have the default font, select only the text in the cell, not the entire cell.

WordPerfect Office tip Formatting and aligning text in tables

You can also use this procedure to change the font and font attributes of all text in a selected column, row, or table.

To change the alignment of text in a cell

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Formatting and aligning text in tables
Select a cell, and click Table WordPerfect Office onestep Formatting and aligning text in tables Format.
Click the Cell tab.
Choose an alignment from the following list boxes:

You can also
Change the alignment of text in a row
In the Properties for table format dialog box, click the Row tab. Choose an alignment from the following list boxes:


Change the alignment of text in a column
In the Properties for table format dialog box, click the Column tab. Choose an alignment option from the Horizontal list box.
Change the alignment of text in a table
In the Properties for table format dialog box, click the Table tab. Choose an alignment option from the Horizontal list box.

WordPerfect Office tip Formatting and aligning text in tables

To insert a tab in a table cell, press Ctrl + Tab.

Formatting and aligning text in tables