Formatting and aligning text in tables
You can change the font and font attributes of text in a cell, row, column, or table. You can also apply other formatting, such as highlighting, indenting, drop caps and so on. For more information, see “Formatting text.”
WordPerfect lets you change the alignment of text in a cell, column, or table. You can also adjust the amount of white space around text in a cell, column, or table by specifying margins. For more information, see “Specifying margins in tables.”
To change the font and font attributes of text in a cell |
Select a cell.
Click Format Font, and choose the font and font attributes you want.
You can also use this procedure to change the font and font attributes of all text in a selected column, row, or table.
To change the alignment of text in a cell |
Select a cell, and click Table Format.
Click the Cell tab.
Choose an alignment from the following list boxes:
To insert a tab in a table cell, press Ctrl + Tab.