Marking text for redaction

To create a redacted document, you must first enable the redaction-marking feature and then select the text to mark for redaction. The text that you mark for redaction in the original document will be replaced by a black bar in the redacted version of the document. You can also search the document for text that you want to mark for redaction. After you select the text that you want to mark for redaction, you can disable the redaction-marking feature.

To mark text for redaction

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Marking text for redaction
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking text for redaction Redaction WordPerfect Office onestep Marking text for redaction Mark for redaction.
A check mark next to Mark for redaction indicates that redaction marking is enabled.
Select the text that you want to mark for redaction.

WordPerfect Office tip Marking text for redaction

You can also mark text for redaction by selecting the text, right-clicking the selected text, and choosing Mark for redaction.

To search for text to mark for redaction

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Marking text for redaction
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking text for redaction Redaction WordPerfect Office onestep Marking text for redaction Find and mark.
In the Word or phrase to mark for redaction box, type the word or phrase that you want to find and mark for redaction.
Perform a task from the following table.

Do the following
Search for a word of phrase
Click Find next.
Mark the first occurrence of the word or phrase
Click Mark.
Mark all occurrences of the word or phrase
Click Mark all.
Search for occurrences of a word that is not part of larger words
Enable the Match whole words only check box.
Search for case-specific text
Enable the Case sensitive check box.
Search for the previous occurrence of a word or phrase
Enable the Search backward in document check box.

To disable redaction marking

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Marking text for redaction
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking text for redaction Redaction WordPerfect Office onestep Marking text for redaction Mark for redaction.
A check mark next to Mark for redaction indicates that redaction marking is enabled.

Marking text for redaction