Setting up a printer

If you have access to different printers, you can set them up in the application so you can print to any of them, and, before printing a file, you can choose the printer you want use. Once you install one or more printers, you can configure them in a number of ways. You can also select a printer as the default printer for WordPerfect. In addition, you can change printer properties and reformat documents for the default printer.

For more information about installing a printer, refer to the Windows documentation. In addition, many printer settings are printer-specific; therefore, not all printer settings may be available for your printer. Consult your printer manual for more information.

You can also disable printer metrics. Printer metrics are used to determine line endings. If you disable printer metrics, printer fonts will not be visible in the list of fonts.

To add a printer

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Setting up a printer
Click File WordPerfect Office onestep Setting up a printer Print.
On the Main page, click Printers.
In the Printers and faxes or Printers dialog box, double-click the Add printer icon.
Follow the steps in the Add printer wizard.

To select a printer

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Setting up a printer
Click File WordPerfect Office onestep Setting up a printer Print.
On the Main page, choose a printer from the Name list box.

To change the default printer for the application

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Setting up a printer
Click File WordPerfect Office onestep Setting up a printer Print.
On the Main page, choose the printer you want as the default from the Name list box.
Click Edit settings.
From the Named settings dialog box, choose Application default from the Name for current settings list box.
Click Save.

WordPerfect Office note Setting up a printer

If you disabled the Reformat documents for the WordPerfect default printer on open check box in the Environment settings dialog box, WordPerfect ignores the default printer settings and retrieves the settings for the application default printer with which the document was formatted.
By enabling both the Use printer properties from currently selected printer check box and the Retrieve properties from printer each time setting is retrieved option, the settings from the application default printer are automatically updated every time you choose Application default setting. This works only for the printer saved as the application default printer.

To reformat documents for the default printer

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Setting up a printer
Click Tools WordPerfect Office  Setting up a printer p.jpg" height="14" width="9" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="absmiddle"> Settings.
Click Environment.
In the Environment settings dialog box, click the General tab.
Enable the Reformat documents for the WordPerfect default printer on open check box.

WordPerfect Office note Setting up a printer

When you disable the Reformat documents for the WordPerfect default printer on open check box, WordPerfect looks for the printer with which the document was formatted. If that printer is not available, WordPerfect reformats the document for the current printer if necessary.

To change printer properties

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Setting up a printer
Click File WordPerfect Office onestep Setting up a printer Print.
On the Main page, choose the printer for which you want to change the properties from the Name list box.
Click Properties.
Change the printer properties.

WordPerfect Office note Setting up a printer

WordPerfect no longer uses WordPerfect printer drivers (.prs files). When you retrieve documents created with old printer drivers, documents are reformatted for the Windows printer that is selected.
If you choose a paper source, enable collating, or specify the number of copies to print directly in the printer’s properties dialog box, the settings are detected by WordPerfect.

WordPerfect Office tip Setting up a printer

You can also specify the paper source by clicking the Paper/Quality tab and choosing a paper source from the Paper source list box.

To disable printer metrics

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Setting up a printer
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Setting up a printer Settings.
Click Convert.
In the Convert settings dialog box, click the Compatibility tab.
In the Options area, enable the Do not format document using print metrics check box.

Setting up a printer