Creating and deleting columns

You can use columns to divide text vertically on a page. You can use four types of columns in documents: newspaper, balanced newspaper, parallel, and parallel with block protect. You can add columns to documents to create newsletters, glossaries, scripts, or inventory lists. You can discontinue columns when they are complete. You can also delete columns and quickly move through columns.

Text in newspaper columns flows down the column to the bottom of a page or column break and starts again at the top of the next column.

Balanced newspaper columns are similar to regular newspaper columns, but each column is adjusted on the page so that all columns are equal in length.

WordPerfect Office c balan Creating and deleting columns

These are examples of pages with columns. The left page displays newspaper columns. The right page displays balanced newspaper columns.

The parallel column text is grouped across the page in a row. The next row starts below the longest column of the previous row. Parallel columns are useful for resumes, scripts, charts, inventory lists, or lists where columns span multiple pages.

WordPerfect Office parcolumn rev Creating and deleting columns

This is an example of parallel columns.

Parallel columns with block protect keep each row of columns together. If a column in one row becomes so long that it moves across a page break, the entire row moves to the next page. You can also use tables to create this type of column. For information about working with tables, see “Working with tables.”

WordPerfect Office blockpro Creating and deleting columns

This is an example of parallel columns with block protect.

To create columns

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating and deleting columns
Click a page.
Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Creating and deleting columns Columns.
Type a value in the Number of columns box.
In the Type of columns area, enable one of the following options:
Newspaper — makes text flow down a column to the bottom of a page or column break and continues it at the top of the next column
Balanced newspaper — adjusts newspaper columns so that columns are of equal length
Parallel — groups columns across the page in rows, and starts subsequent rows below the longest column of the previous row
Parallel w/block protect — keeps all rows of the columns together across page breaks

WordPerfect Office tip Creating and deleting columns

You can also apply columns to a page by clicking the Columns WordPerfect Office pgx col def Creating and deleting columns button on the toolbar.

To discontinue columns

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating and deleting columns
Click where you want columns to discontinue.
Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Creating and deleting columns Columns.
Click Discontinue.

WordPerfect Office tip Creating and deleting columns

Press Ctrl + Enter to end one column and start the next column.

To delete all columns

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating and deleting columns
Click in the top-left corner of the first column.
Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Creating and deleting columns Columns.
Click Discontinue.

WordPerfect Office tip Creating and deleting columns

You can also delete columns by dragging the [Col Def] code out of the Reveal Codes window.

To navigate columns

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating and deleting columns

To move to
The top of a column
Alt + Home
The last line of a column
Alt + End
The previous column
Alt + Left Arrow
The next column
Alt + Right Arrow

Creating and deleting columns