A |
Displays information about the available Viewers and the types of files they can view.
Additional objects template
The additional objects template is a second default template that stores objects such as keyboards, menus, template macros, toolbars, and styles. You can use these objects in addition to or in place of those on your default template.
Address book
The address book is a standalone application that lets you keep all address information in one place. It can store names, addresses, user IDs, and related information to use on envelopes, labels, letters, templates, mass mailings (merge), and email (with a modem or network connection). You can also dial phone and fax numbers from the address book.
An interface between the operating system and application programs, which includes the way the application programs interact with the operating system, and the services the operating system makes available to the programs.
Application Programming Interface
An interface between the operating system and application programs, which includes the way the application programs interact with the operating system, and the services the operating system makes available to the programs.
Assignment statements assign the value of an expression to a variable.
Autoscroll lets you scroll through a document without using the arrow keys or the scroll bars. When you point the Autoscroll arrow in the direction you want to move, you can scroll through the document. The scrolling speed increases when you move the arrow further from the Autoscroll tool and slows when you move the arrow closer to the Autoscroll tool.
B |
The last saved version of a document. You can set WordPerfect to make a copy of your document automatically.
A block can be the address or name of a range of cells, or anything that returns the cell address or name of a range.
Block Protect
Block protect keeps selected text together so that it is not divided between pages.
WordPerfect enhances the Make-It-Fit feature available in previous versions to allow you to fit sections of your document into a specified number of pages without affecting other areas where fitting specifications may be different.
WordPerfect converts Bookmarks, but only preserves the Go To feature. Since WordPerfect cannot nest or overlap Bookmarks, a bookmark may not span all the text that is associated with it.
Browse buttons
The browse buttons make navigation within a document more intuitive. WordPerfect lets you navigate through a document in the same way that you navigate through an Internet document.
C |
A cell may be the address or name of a cell in the table, or anything that returns the address or name of a cell.
Characters indicate what text encapsulates (surrounds) field data and if any text should be removed from the incoming data.
In object-oriented programming, a class is an object type that has the same properties and methods.
Images that can be brought into Corel applications and edited or used as is. Corel offers a large selection of clipart in many formats.
A place in memory that holds cut or copied information. Items remain in the Clipb
oard until they are either replaced with other cut or copied items or until you exit from Windows.
A color mode made up of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). In the CMYK color mode, color values are expressed as percentages, so a value of 100 for any ink means that it is being applied at full saturation. Used in most full-color commercial printing, CMYK is like CMY, but the addition of black allows for true blacks and a wider tonal range. The CMYK color mode is based on the CMYK color model.
Code page
A code page is a table in the DOS or Windows operating systems that defines which ASCII or ANSI character set is used in a document. Different ASCII or ANSI character sets are used for different languages.
Codes are hidden in the background in WordPerfect and are used to control formatting functions within a document.
Command name
Indicates which feature the command activates. Some commands consist only of a command name, such as FileOpenDlg().
Comment statements contain notes and other information that do not affect macro play. Use comment statements to explain the purpose of your macro, describe its components, or prevent a statement from playing. A comment begins either with // and ends with a hard return [HRt] or with /* and ends with */.
Condense Master
Use the Condense Master command to close subdocuments in a master document.
Conditional end of page
Conditional end of page keeps lines of text together on the same page. WordPerfect lets you specify the number of lines you want to keep together.
Conditional statements play a statement or group of statements when a specified condition is met. A group of statements is known as a statement block. A statement block is played depending on which option the user chooses. Conditional statements include Case, If, and Switch.
A constant variable is a variable whose value cannot change at run-time. A constant can be a number, such as 25 or 3.6; a character, such as a or $; or a character string, such as “this is a string.
Displays a file with text wrapped to fit in the Viewer window.
Lets you copy to the Clipboard any selected text in a file you are viewing. You can select one or more consecutive lines. If the selected text includes part of a table, the entire table is copied.
Corel RealTime Preview
Corel RealTime Preview lets you scroll through and preview several different formatting options, such as fonts, lines, tables, borders, and shading, to see what they look like, without applying those changes to your document.
Conversion files necessary to import and export to different file formats.
D |
Data file
A WordPerfect data file supplies information to the form document during a merge. You can arrange the information in either a text or table format. (In previous versions of WordPerfect a data file was known as a secondary merge file.
Data source
A data source supplies information to a form document during a merge. You can use a WordPerfect data file or The address book as a data source. You can also use keyboard input, an ODBC data source, a database file from another application, a spreadsheet file, an ASCII Delimited Text file, or a data file in another word processing format.
Data table file
A data file provides data to the form file during a merge. You can create a data file in either text or table format. When the data file is arranged in text format, information is separated into fields and records. (In previous versions of WordPerfect, a data file was known as a secondary merge file.
Data text file
A data file provides data to the form file during a merge. You can create a data file in either text or table format. When the data file is arranged in text format, information is separated into fields and records. When the data file is arranged in table format, each column of the table contains a field. Each row contains a record. (In previous versions of WordPerfect a data file was known as a secondary merge file.
A datasheet appears in its own window in the drawing window when you create a data chart. Use it as a spreadsheet to enter, edit, or import the data the chart displays.
Every date and time from January 1, 1900, to October 19, 65493, is assigned a consecutive number in WordPerfect. A date or a time argument can be a date or time number, or anything that returns a date or time number. See the DATEVALUE and HMS functions later in this appendix for details on date and time numbers.
DDE can link a file created by a Windows application that supports DDE and a WordPerfect document. This connection lets you transfer information from the source file into the WordPerfect document. If both files are open, the transferred information can be updated automatically when information changes in the source file.
The Declare command creates local variables and arrays. Local variables and arrays pertain to the current macro only. An array can have up to 10 dimensions and up to 32, 767 elements per dimension, depending on the amount of available memory.
Default font
A default font is a font that WordPerfect automatically uses if you do not specify otherwise. You can change the default font in WordPerfect to the font of your choice.
Default printer
The printing device that is used automatically when you choose the Print command. You can have only one default printer selected at a time.
Default settings
Preset options built into a program. Unless you alter these options, each new document you create uses the default settings.
Default tab stop
The WordPerfect definition starts at 0 and sets a tab stop at the default distance from the previous tab until the right margin is reached.
Delimited text file
A delimited text file contains data stored as text. Each field is separated by a comma, and each record ends with a carriage return or line feed. Character strings are enclosed in quotation marks. Delimited text files facilitate communication between database systems that use different formats.
Delimiters are characters that separate and/or enclose (delimit) each field and record.
Depreciation Keywords
The following table contains explanations that apply only to the argument keywords of the three depreciation functions (DDB, SLN, and SYD).
Cost— The amount paid for an asset.
Life — The number of periods it takes to depreciate the asset to its salvage value.
Period — The time period for which you want to find the depreciation. Use the same time increments you use in the Life argument.
Salvage — The value of an asset at the end of its life.
Digital certificate
A digital certificate can be obtained from a certification authority. It identifies the entity to whom the certificate was issued as well as information about the certificate’s validity.
Digital signature
A digital authentication that you can attach to electronic documents. A valid digital signature is an implementation of a digital certificate. It identifies that the document has not been altered since it was signed and identifies the entity to whom the certificate was issued
Display metrics
Line endings are determined by screen resolution and the appearance of the text on screen.
DLL, Dynamic Link Library, is an application file necessary to run WordPerfect.
Document management system (DMS)
Allows a group of users in an organization to store and manage documents in a common database. Document management includes version control, security, project management, and file/content querying.
Dots per inch (DPI)
Printer resolution is measured in dots per inch. Typical desktop laser printers print at 300 dpi, whereas image setters are capable of printing at resolutions of 1270 or 2540 dpi. Printers with higher dpi capabilities produce smoother and cleaner output. The term dpi is also used to measure scanning resolution and to indicate bitmap resolution. See also Resolution.
Displays a file with limited attributes. For example, it displays a file in one font even if the file contains multiple fonts, and it displays boxes representing graphics images rather than displaying the images themselves.
E |
Editing level styles
When you organize text using bulleted lists, numbered lists, and outlines, you can create a level style. For example, you can create a style that formats all level two headings in bold italic. In WordPerfect, you can edit a level style that you have created, but you cannot edit any of the preset styles provided with WordPerfect.
An oval or a circle.
Embedded Fonts
WordPerfect lets you use the Embedded Font feature. If you choose Embedded Fonts when saving your document, your fonts will be compressed and saved with the file data. Now your favorite fonts will go wherever your file goes for the presentation that you expect.
Enhanced charting module
The enhanced charting module provides additional chart types and capabilities.
Enhanced shapes
WordPerfect provides over 100 shapes. You can choose a shape from any of the new shape palettes or use the Basic Shapes, Arrows, Stars, Banners, and Flowcharting tools. Action buttons prompt the assignment of an action; Call out shapes have pointers that can be anchored anywhere in the document. All shapes have the new Text In Shapes feature, which allows text to be added into the shape on the fly.
Enumerations are used to set parameter values when parameter values are limited to a specific set of values. For example, the Backup command turns timed document backup on or off. It has one parameter named State with two enumerations, Off! and On!.
Equation template
A preset equation symbol with spaces, called slots, for specifying variables. A slot is a writable space in an equation template in which variables, symbols, words, or phrases can be placed. For example, a fraction template has two slots, one for the numerator and one for the denominator.
n occurrence that is significant to a program and which may call for a response from the program.
Event-driven Programming
A program that waits for an event to occur and responds to it instead of going through a program line by line.
Application file. Necessary to run WordPerfect.
Expand master
Use the Expand master command to open subdocuments in a master document.
F |
Families refers to the levels of text used in an outline. For example, all level 3 text would be considered a “family.” You can show and hide families of text. When you hide a family, or level, all subordinate levels are also hidden.
A field is the smallest unit of information in a data file that can be referenced in a merge. A field can be one character or many. In a text file, each field is separated by an ENDFIELD marker. In a table file, each individual field is a cell, or a field group is a column. It is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields per record.
File management dialog boxes
File management dialog boxes allow you to open, save, delete, and rename files and folders. These dialog boxes include Open, Insert file, Play or Record macro, and Save as.
Filename extension
Filename extensions identify file types and file formats. For example, the .wpd extension identifies a file as a WordPerfect file, and the .shw extension identifies a file as a Presentations slide show file. Each application saves its files with a default extension unless you specify another one.
Locates words or phrases in a file.
Find Next or Find Previous
Lets you search for the next or previous occurrence of the text you specified. These options display only if you have used Find to locate text.
Floating Cell
A floating cell is a cell that exists outside of a table. Floating cells refer to data in tables or in other floating cells. The information in a floating cell updates whenever you update the information it refers to. A floating cell can contain formulas, text, or numbers.
Allows you to select a font in which to display document text. This option displays only if you select Draft as the view mode.
Foreign files
Foreign files are files that were created in another application (that is, apart from the application you are currently using).
Form document
A form document provides the repeated information and layout for a merged document. It can contain text, graphics, and page formatting for each merged document, as well as field names and merge codes. (In previous versions of WordPerfect, a form document was known as a form file or a primary merge file.)
An arithmetic operation or mathematical expression.
A mathematical expression that depends on and varies with another expression: for example, height is a function of age.
G |
Use the Generate command to create an updated index, list, table of contents, cross-reference, or table of authorities in a document.
GIF file format
GIF was developed as a cross-platform graphic standard and is supported by all graphical browsers. GIF supports up to 8-bit color (256 possible colors) and lets you store custom palettes with your image. GIF offers several advanced graphic options, including transparent background, image interlacing, and animation.
GIF files provide compression without losing any information. When you convert to .GIF, all the file information is stored with the image, and the GIF file looks exactly like the graphic you created. Because there is limited decompression required, GIF files display fairly quickly on screen. The GIF format also supports the use of image maps.
The Global command creates variables and arrays that pertain to the current macro and to the macros called by the Run and Chain commands.
Glyphs are small, pink, diamond-shaped handles that can be dragged to alter the form of a shape. You can use glyphs to alter the depth of most 3D shapes or to change the width and height allocations for some shapes.
Gradient fills
A complex fill that displays a progression between two colors that follow a linear, radial, conical, or square path. By using gradient fills, you can create a direct blend from one color to another or a cascade of different colors. You can also use predefined gradient fills to create neon tubes, metal cylinders, and a variety of similar effects.
Graphics Box
Box contains a graphic or a graphic on disk depending on whether the graphic in the Include Picture command is present in the document.
Growth/Amortization Keywords
The following table contains explanations that apply only to the argument keywords of the five growth/amortization functions (FV, PMT, PV, RATE, and TERM). These functions let you solve any of 22 possible growth/amortization cases
Future Value (FV) — The value of an investment or loan at the end of the specified periods.
Payment — The amount periodically paid or earned on a loan or investment.
Periods — The number of periods for the investment or loan. If the Payment argument is included, the Periods argument must be based on the frequency of the payment (for example, number of months if payments are monthly).
Present Value (PV) — The initial amount invested or loaned.
Rate — The rate of interest for the investment or loan. Type the rate followed by the percent operator (for example, 7.5%). You must base the rate on the same period as the Payment and Periods arguments. If those arguments are based on a period other than a year, you must adjust the rate accordingly. For example, if payments are made monthly, divide the rate by 12 (for example, 7.5%/12).
Type — When the payment is made (at the beginning or end of the period). A non-zero value for Type indicates that payment is made at the beginning of the period. A value of zero indicates that payment is made at the end of the period. The default value for the Type argument is zero. If the Payment argument is zero, the Type argument has no effect on the calculation. The Type argument requires that you enter all cash inflows as positive numbers and outflows as negative numbers. If you do not include the Type argument, all arguments must be positive numbers and all results will be positive.
The gutter is the white space that appears between columns.
Gutter binding
You can change the gutter binding only once at the beginning of a document. Multiple changes to the gutter binding are not supported.
H |
WordPerfect has two header and two footer settings: Header/footer A and Header/footer B. When you enable the Place on every page option, headers and footers on every page automatically convert to Header/footer A. When you enable the Place on odd page option, headers and footers on odd pages automatically convert to Header/footer A. When you enable the Place on even page option, headers and footers on even pages automatically convert to Header/footer B.
Highlighting pen
Marks the selected text with color so that it is highlighted.
HLP — an application help file (like the WordPerfect online Help) — provides user assistance and information.
Hue, lightness, and saturation are the components of the HLS color model, an alternative to RGB. Hue determines color (yellow, orange, red, etc.), lightness determines perceived intensity (lighter or darker color), and saturation determines color depth (from dull to intense). The circular visual selector defines the hue value (0 to 360) and the saturation value (0 to 100); the vertical visual selector defines the lightness value (0 to 100).
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the World Wide Web authoring standard. HTML is comprised of markup tags that define the structure and components of a document. The tags are used to tag text and integrate resources (such as pictures, sound, video, and animation) when creating a Web page.
A hyperlink is an element in an electronic document, typically represented by underlined text or a graphic, that connects the document to another location, which can be in the same document or in an entirely different document. Usually, you activate hyperlinks by clicking on them.
Hyphenation zone
The hyphenation zone is a narrow area surrounding the right margin of a document. Hyphenation divides words that span the hyphenation zone. You can move the boundaries of the hyphenation zone to hyphenate more or fewer words.
I |
Improved accessibility
WordPerfect continues to work towards accessibility requirements, including the support of High-Contrast mode, providing keystrokes to the majority of features, using standard user interface controls which make Third Party accessibility tools compatible with Corel applications, supporting large font mode, and providing options under settings to provide flexibility in functionality.
The Indirect command creates a variable name out of a combination of character strings and/or Macro concepts using up to 25 numbers. Indirect can also create a Label name out of a combination of character strings and/or numbers. Indirect can be used in most places where you can use a label.
In-Place Activation
WordPerfect uses the In-Place Activation feature to help further integrate 3rd Party applications into WordPerfect Office. By double-clicking on an OLE object, the editing or development environment native to that object is initiated inside WordPerfect, providing seamless integration of 3rd Party applications.
In-Place Editing
In-Place Editing lets you edit an object without switching to a different window. Buttons and list boxes temporarily change to work specifically with that object.
Install-As-You-Go helps you minimize the hard disk space required by WordPerfect Office applications by including only the bare necessities. If a non-installed item is selected, you will be asked if you want to install it.
J |
K |
Kerning reduces the spacing between two consecut
ive characters. With certain letter pairs, such as “AV”, moving the letters closer together improves their appearance when printed. WordPerfect provides both automatic and manual kerning.
L |
Some languages are not supported by WordPerfect and will become “unknown” language commands.
Leading is the amount of white space that appears between lines.
Line height
The distance between the top of one line of text and the top of the next line of text. Line height is set according to the font being used.
A connection between a source application and your document. When you change the information in the source application, the linked information updates automatically in your document.
A list is any combination of cell references, range references, numbers, formulas, functions, or logical statements with list items separated by commas. A list can also be empty. For example, the following functions contain lists.
MAX(a1,interest,SUM(a3:b5),PI( ))
Unless otherwise noted, a list will use only references to cells or ranges that contain numbers. If the address of a range of cells is included in the list, empty cells or cells that contain text in the range are ignored.
The order of items in a list is meaningful only in the CONCAT, IRR, NPV, QUOTIENT, and SUBTRACT functions.
The Local command creates local variables and arrays (they pertain only to the current macro).
Logical page
A defined area inside a physical page (the sheet of paper you print on). You can have several logical pages on one physical page. For instance, if you are printing labels, the sheet or roll of labels is called the physical page; each individual label is called a logical page.
Loops statements play a statement or statement block a specified number of times until an expression is true or while an expression is true. The macro then exits the loop and continues to the next statement. Loop statements include For, ForNext, ForEach, Repeat, and While.
M |
Macro Command Browser
The Macro Command Browser allows you to select and insert macro commands into the macro you are writing.
A macro is a routine, which is often activated by a key, symbol, or name, that represents a list of commands, actions, or keystrokes. Many programs allow you to create macros so that you can enter a single character or word to perform a whole series of actions.
Main word list
A large list of specialized words used by Spell Checker for a particular language, profession, or company.
The menus in WordPerfect have undergone significant restructuring to improve access to the most frequently used features. The menus are also standardized across WordPerfect Office applications to make learning each application easier. Right-click the menu to select a menu similar to one you used in a previous version of WordPerfect.
The Tables and Graphics menus are not available any more; the editing features for tables and graphics are now available on the Property Bar. Click a table or graphic to display the Tables or Graphics Property Bar.
The File, Publish As and File, Send menus are consolidated as File, Send To.
The Outline and Bullets & Numbering features are consolidated in Insert, Outline/Bullets & Numbering.
The abbreviations feature is renamed QuickWords and is moved to Tools, QuickWords.
Help Online, which was used to access additional technical and product information, is renamed Corel Web site.
Initial Document Style is renamed and is moved to File, Document, Current Document Style.
Initial Document Font is renamed and is moved to File, Document, Default Font.
Merge codes
Merge codes or merge commands are similar to programming commands. Merge codes are inserted into a form document or data text file and are recognized by WordPerfect as instructions on how to perform the merge or where to place the information from the data source.
Merge data file
A WordPerfect data file supplies information to the form document during a merge. You can arrange the information in either a text or table format. (In previous versions of WordPerfect, a data file was known as a secondary merge file.)
Multiple line spacing
The At Least feature is converted to a percentage of the line height. Some differences may occur. Varying the font size in a line that has the At Least line spacing set will cause a new line spacing command to be generated to guarantee the correct percentage when the line ends.
N |
Native files
Native files are files that were created in the application you are currently using.
Network path
The path for a file includes a drive letter and usually at least one folder. For example, in C:\WORK\LETTERS\JONES.WPD, the path for the file named JONES.WPD is C:\WORK\LETTERS. C: is the drive letter, and the WORK folder contains the LETTERS subfolder which contains the file named JONES.WPD.
A network path includes the server and vol
ume name followed by a folder and subfolder or file. The Look In box on file management dialog boxes displays the volume name followed by the server name and the drive it is mapped to; for example, Users on ‘Corp’ (O:).
Newspaper-style columns
Columns in which text-wrap causes text to flow downward from paragraph to paragraph in the first left-hand column. The text flow continues at the top of the next column to the right and repeats with subsequent text.
Ask the PerfectExpert help files. Allows you to search for help information using your own words.
Displays the file content, format, and attributes as accurately as possible, including multiple fonts and graphics images.
O |
In object-oriented programming, an object is a data item with instructions for the operations to be performed on it.
Object Oriented Programming
A style of programming that places emphasis on creating and using objects.
Object Linking and Embedding lets you combine information created in different Windows applications in one document. You can include text, charts, graphics, spreadsheets, sound clips, or video clips in your WordPerfect documents.
The information (or object) can be linked so that information in your document updates when the source file changes, or it can be embedded or inserted as a one-time copy. WordPerfect also supports OLE Automation.
OLE Automation server
The Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) architecture is based on a model of client-server (also known as container-component or controller-component) associations. This model is based on the interaction between two applications in which one application (the client or container) makes requests to the other (the server or client) to perform an action. With OLE Automation, the application acting as the server exposes one or more automation components which allow other applications (controller or client) to manipulate them.
OLE Object Command
Commands for OLE objects are called methods, and they perform tasks on an OLE object in a specific OLE Automation server. A method is a command or function that performs an action on that object.
Ordinals are numbers used to define position in an ordered series. For example, first, second, third, etc.
P |
Page view
Displays a file as it will look on a printed page. The text is generally too small to read, but you will be able to see the page layout.
A window can be divided into two or more parts. These parts are called panes. To see an example of panes, you can run the Windows Explorer. To switch between panes without using the mouse, you can press F6 or Shift + F6.
In WordPerfect, panes are used in the WP 5.1-7 Equation Editor, and used when displaying some Property Bars such as the List Property Bar.
Provide more information about the command, such as which options of a feature are active. Parameters are always enclosed in parentheses; for example, Backup (State:On!).
The patterns in Microsoft Word and WordPerfect are not the same. The patterns in Microsoft Word are converted to a WordPerfect pattern that is similar in style and appearance.
WordPerfect comes with its own built-in expert, which is ready to help you with any task. The PerfectExpert includes the best features of Quick Tasks, templates, and Coaches, combined with information from online Help and the power of a natural language interface to help you with everyday tasks. The PerfectExpert lets you quickly create complex documents using professionally designed templates.
The Persist command creates variables and arrays that pertain to any PerfectScript macro as long as PerfectScript is running Special variables.
Physical page
The sheet of paper on which you print. The term physical page is used to distinguish between the paper on a page and the actual printing area. The physical page can be divided into several logical pages. For instance, if you are printing labels, the sheet or roll of labels is called the physical page; each individual label is called a logical page.
A pile is created when you press Enter. A new line appears beneath the current one. You can type an expression on the new line, press Enter again, and so forth, forming a vertical stack. A pile can be created from any position in an equation. There could be several piles within an equation, or you could have a pile of equations.Assigns the Text style either to selected characters or to characters that you type subsequently. This style activates the Spacebar on your keyboard, disables Equation Editor’s automatic spacing, and formats characters in Text style (which usually means plain roman), making it easier to type ordinary text with Equation Editor.
Abbreviation for picture element. Pixels are dots on a computer or television screen that combine to form an image. Computer images are created as an array of such dots, each having a specific color. See also Resolution.
A shape with three or more sides. Polygons can be simple (such as a triangle or a pentagon) or complex (such as a star shape).
A continuous line composed of one or more line segments.
A page-description language used to send instructions to a PostScript printer. All the objects in a print job are represented by lines of PostScript code that the printer uses to reproduce your work.
Lets you print all or part of a document.
Print Preview
Although WordPerfect creates documents in a WYSIWYG environment, many users have requested a Print Preview option. WordPerfect lets you view your document as a single page or double pages. Print Preview is fully compatible with Corel RealTime Preview, which lets you experiment with formatting options, such as fonts, lines, tables, borders, and shading, without applying them to your document. Print Preview is also fully editable; therefore, you do not have to switch back to regular view to make changes to your document.
Printer metrics
Printer metrics use printer resolution information to determine line endings.
Printing Offset
WordPerfect calculates the difference between the Microsoft Word Mirror Margins; the Printing Offset creates new left and right margin commands.
Product commands
Product commands perform product tasks in a specific application. Product commands that report information (return a value) about the state of an application or feature are sometimes called system variables.
Programming commands
Programming commands work across applications. They generally control macro functions. They can specify conditions under which other macro commands or statements will operate (Case, If Else Endif, Switch EndSwitch). They can also repeat macro commands or statements a specified number of times or until certain conditions are met (For Endfor, Repeat Until, While EndWhile). They can also invoke or jump to a specified subroutine (statement block) with Call or Go.
Projects are the pre-existing templates included with WordPerfect.
Project categories
Project categories are groups of templates and projects that allow you to store your templates and projects together under a common name.
Project template
A project template is a shell that consists of such elements as chapters, styles, margin definitions, and graphic objects. This shell provides the layout for your publication and you provide the content. You can create your own project templates, or you can use the project templates that were shipped with WordPerfect.
Prompts bring up a Template information dialog box that requests information from the user.
Properties control the appearance and behavior of an object.
Q |
You can use the Find button on file management dialog boxes to find files that meet the criteria you specify. For example, you can search for a file type (such as *.wpd) or the file content (such as “WordPerfect”).
Changes the current font to recently used font setting for such things as typeface, size, and appearance attributes like bold and italics.
QuickMacros are macros that you cannot save or use again; you do not assign a name to a QuickMacro.
A QuickMark is a bookmark that determines where the insertion point appears when you open a document or after WordPerfect fills the template prompts. You can place QuickMarks in templates and documents.
A QuickMenu is a useful pop-up menu that provides options specific to a certain object in the document or document window. Right-click an object, such as a paragraph, graphic, or toolbar, to display the QuickMenu for that particular object.
QuickSpots provided direct access to editing features for certain objects in a document, such as paragraphs or tables. WordPerfect improves on this idea by including more than 20 different Property Bars that appear when you click on a particular object. Property Bars change to fit your immediate needs. For example, click a table, and the Property Bar displays buttons for table editing tools. Click a graphic, and the Property Bar displays graphics editing tools.
A shortcut method used to create a new style based on the format of text at the insertion point.
QuickTips provide information about icons and buttons on the toolbars, and about the menu commands. QuickTips display in a balloon when you point to a button or a menu command.
QuickWords are abbreviations that automatically expand when you press the Enter key, the Tab key, or the Spacebar key and insert text or formatting elements, such as columns, borders, graphic boxes, or various font attributes. You can use as many as two words in your abbreviation.
R |
A range is a rectangular group of cells. In a spreadsheet or table, a range is defined by an upper left cell and a
lower right cell. A colon or period is used to separate the two cell addresses. For example, a range can be defined as A1:C5 or A1.C5.
A record is a series of relevant fields of information stored in a data source. A record can contain one field or many. (It is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields per record.) In a text file, each record is separated by an ENDRECORD marker. In a table file, each record is a row. In the address book, a record (or an entry) is a row of information.
Recorded macro
A recorded macro includes only product commands. Some macro commands are not recordable and need to be typed in or inserted using the Macro Command Browser. When you play a recorded macro, each action is played in recorded order.
Rectangular block
A selection of text in columns that can be separated by spaces or tabs.
Printer resolution, or clarity, is measured in Dots Per Inch (dpi). See also Dots Per Inch (DPI).
Reveal Codes window
The Reveal Codes window displays codes that track formatting functions and functions, such as Tab and Enter, used in WordPerfect documents. Codes can be viewed, deleted, moved, and edited in a Reveal Codes window, which you can keep displayed.
A color mode that contains three components: red (R), green (G), and blue (B). The RGB color mode is based on the RGB color model. In the RGB color mode, a value between 0 and 255 is assigned to each channel of red, green, and blue. An RGB color with the component values 0:25:118, for example, contains no red, some green, and more blue, and results in a slightly greenish blue. Monitors, scanners, and the human eye use RGB to produce or detect color.
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A scalable font is a font size that can be changed to a size you want. All True Type and PostScript fonts are scalable. When you select a font that is not scalable, WordPerfect automatically substitutes the font size closest to the one you’ve chosen.
Scrap file
A scrap file is created when you drag part of a document to the desktop.
Separators mark the parameters in a command. Semicolons separate individual parameters; parentheses enclose a series of parameters; and braces enclose a series of repeating parameters.
SGML Editor
WordPerfect lets you create SGML documents in a familiar WordPerfect environment. WordPerfect lets you edit, markup text, and validate tags in SGML documents. You can also employ WordPerfect writing tools, such as Spell Check and QuickCorrect. You can hide SGML codes in the document window and use WordPerfect text formatting to make SGML documents easier to read on screen. The SGML editor also provides the following capabilities:
-structures views of the document, providing a WYSIWYG view on one side of the screen and a tree view on the other
-enhanced graphics that let you import and export markups with the SGML document
-writing tools
-compare features
-automatic mapping for International Standards Organization (ISO) characters during the DTD compiling process to map multinational characters to the appropriate characters in the SGML Editor. Manual character mapping does not fall within the ISO character sets.
-enhanced importing and exporting capabilities
Shadow cursor
The Shadow cursor is a thin gray line that appears beside your cursor. As you work in a document, the insertion point changes to a “Shadow cursor” when you point to text or to white space. This cursor shows where the insertion point will go when you click the mouse. When the Shadow cursor appears in the white space of your document, you can click anywhere to start typing text. You can also drag to insert clipart, a text box, or a table.
A shortcut is a method of reaching a file quickly. For instance, you can create a shortcut on your desktop to a frequently used file.
Skewed table cells
You can skew the top row or the left or right column of a table. Unless you specify otherwise, any text that you type in a skewed cell will be skewed as well. You can also change the angle of the skew and specify other skew options.
A writeable space in an equation template in which variables, symbols, words, or phrases can be placed. For example, a fraction template has two slots, one for the numerator and one for the denominator.
Solid fills
A solid fill is an uniform fill. For example, black, white, or a shade of gray, or a pattern that is consistent throughout the fill.
Sort key
A sort key is a rule which defines how information is sorted.
Sort operator
A sort operator is a symbol that instructs the soft to perform an action on an expression.
Source application
The application in which an embedded or linked object was created.
SpeedLinks lets you create Internet links — highlighted text in a World Wide Web document that helps you jump to another part of the same document or to another document on the World Wide Web. When you type text that begins with “www,” “ftp,” “http,” or “mailto,” SpeedLinks automatically converts the text to an Internet link.
WordPerfect does not support the Enter Key Inserts Style. Enter inserts the same style.
A subdocument is an individual file that can be linked to a master document.
A subroutine is a series of instructions that can be referenced and repeated when necessary.
Subscript is text that sits below the invisible horizontal line, known as the baseline. Subscript text uses a small font.
Superscript text sits above the invisible horizontal line, known as the baseline, and uses a small font.
System variables
System variables contain current system information such as the current chart type or the default directory. In WordPerfect, system variables begin with a question mark. For example, vMacroPath := ?PathMacros assigns the path and name of the default WordPerfect macros directory to a variable named vMacroPath.
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Tab definition
If a tab definition has more than one type of leader character, the leader characters of the right-most tab will be used as the leader character for the previous tabs.
If there is a space for Microsoft Word default tab sets between the last defined tab stop and the right margin, they will also be defined in the tab definition.
Table of authorities
Microsoft Word has many table of authorities (TA) options. WordPerfect only converts text that is in the TA field command. WordPerfect converts the table of authorities with the page numbers right justified with dot leaders.
Tabular column
A vertical section of text that is aligned using a tab or an indent. The text aligns at the tab stop for each column.
A template is a shell that consists of elements such as chapters, styles, margin definitions, and graphic objects. This shell provides the layout for your publication and you provide the content. The templates in WordPerfect are known as project templates.
Text styles
Styles are design elements that can be applied to text. Formatting features, such as font, bold, italics, for example, can be saved in a style to reuse as many times as you want. You can combine different formatting features that come with WordPerfect to create your own text style.
TextArt lets you transform words into designs. You can use multiple lines of text and rotation operations to create interesting logos, decorations, or signs. The TextArt Gallery lets you use either 2D TextArt styles or 3D TextArt styles.
Thumbnail format
Thumbnail format lets you print miniature pictures of the individual pages of your document on one piece of paper. You can print up to sixty-four pictures on one page. You can specify how thumbnail pages are printed on the page: left to right (Across) or top to bottom (Down).
A token is a single element of a programming language. A token can be a keyword, a punctuation mark, or an operator.
Triggers are commands that you can insert in documents that will automatically run macros.
TrueType fonts
Fonts that print as vectors or bitmaps depending on the capabilities of your printer. TrueType fonts print as they appear on screen and can be resized to any height.
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Uniform Naming Convention (UNC)
Also known as the Universal Naming Convention. UNC is a system of specifying the location of PC resources on a network. The name of the server is followed by the name of shared directories. For example, to access the file text.htm in the blue directory on the server, sky, you can use the path \\sky\blue\text.htm. See also “URL”.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
The global address of documents and other resources on the Internet. Web browsers use a URL to display resources.
A URL identifies the protocol used to access the resource (for example, http or ftp) and the name of the server on which the resource resides (for example, http://www.corel.com). It may also specify the path to a resource, such as a file.
User word list
A list of words and phrases that Spell Checker and Grammatik use when checking for errors. You can add words to the user word list so that these writing tools will skip, replace, or display alternatives for them. For example, you can specify replacements for words you often mistype or misspell. Also, you can add words (such as your name) that you don’t want Spell Checker or Grammatik to flag as incorrect. The user word list complements the main word list.
User word list. Contains the list for Spell Checker to use, such as English US, English UK, or medical terms.
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A value can be a number, a text string, NA (an empty cell), or anything that returns a number, text string, or NA. All text strings must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Below are a few examples of values:
A3 — “Payment”
25 — ‘Total Costs’
interest — SIN(SUM(a3:
customer — CONCAT(“Value”, ” “, “1″)
In the above examples, “Payment” and ‘Total Costs’ are text strings; interest and customer are names for cells or ranges. Most functions assign a value of 0 to an empty or blank cell.
Variables allow you to write flexible programs and macros. You can use variables to represent data instead of entering data directly into a macro. When you execute a macro, the variables are replaced with real data, which allows the same macro to process different sets of data. A variable must have a name, known as the variable name, and a data type. A variable’s data type indicates whether a variable is a character or text, an integer, or a floating-point number.
View As
Lists alternate file formats for viewing files, such as the file’s native format, Hex, or ANSI.
Visual Basic for Applications integration
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) lets you develop VBA applications to control WordPerfect through the OLE Automation Type Library. The main object exposed by WordPerfect is the PerfectScript object, which consists of all the functions currently available in the PerfectScript language, making it easier for those familiar with PerfectScript to modify existing scripts and to understand the syntax and parameters required to program the PerfectScript object’s methods. These VBA projects are stored within the application document and are easily distributed.
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A watermark is usually a faint picture on paper that looks as if it is a part of the background and is often used in letterhead or on official documents.
WordPerfect macro files.
Wildcards are symbols you can use to replace parts of a filename that you are searching for. You can also use wildcards to find files with similar filenames. Wildcards allow you to search for a file when you know only part of the filename.
Windows Metafile (WMF)
The Windows Metafile (.wmf) file format, developed by Microsoft Corporation, can contain vectors and bitmaps. It is supported by Windows and several Windows-based graphics applications up to a 24-bit color depth.
WordPerfect document files.
WordPerfect graphics files.
WordPerfect template files. A template is a document file with customized format, content, and features.
What you see is what you get.
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XML Capabilities
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) provides a platform and application-independent environment for defining document architecture and document markup. WordPerfect lets you create, validate, and save XML documents in a familiar WYSIWYG environment. A structured tree view, shown in a separate window, provides an easy-to-read layout of the full document. WordPerfect automatically inserts and maintains tag pairs to create XML files. WordPerfect provides an editing environment that includes wizards, automatic element insertion, and automatic generation of documents, which makes document creation quick and easy. You can customize menus, toolbars, and keyboard mapping to create your own working environment. WordPerfect incorporates the Document Type Definition (DTD), layout information, and mapping files into a single WordPerfect template.
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