Creating hyperlinks
WordPerfect lets you create hyperlinks. Hyperlinks can be created that allow readers to jump to a file or to a bookmark within the same document.
If you are publishing to HTML, WordPerfect lets you create a hyperlink that opens in a separate frame.
To create a hyperlink to a file |
Select text or a graphic.
Click Tools Hyperlink.
Type a path and filename in the Document/Macro box.
You can use a macro file as a hyperlink. However, because browsers usually cannot play WordPerfect macros, hyperlinks to macros are not recommended in documents that will be published to the Web.
You can also create a hyperlink to a Web address by typing a URL in the Document/Macro box. If you want to browse for the URL, click Browse Web.
You can browse for a file by clicking Browse in the Document/Macro box.
To create a hyperlink to a bookmark |
Select text or a graphic.
Click Tools Hyperlink.
Choose a bookmark from the Bookmark list box.
For more information about using bookmarks, see “Using bookmarks and QuickMarks.”
To create a hyperlink that opens in a separate frame |
Select text or a graphic.
Click Tools Hyperlink.
Type a path and filename in the Document/Macro box.
If you want to link to a bookmark, choose a bookmark from the Bookmark list box.
Type the name of the frame in the Target frame box.
You can use a macro file as a hyperlink. However, because browsers usually cannot play WordPerfect macros, hyperlinks to macros are not recommended in documents that will be published to the Web.
You can also create a hyperlink to a Web address by typing a URL in the Document/Macro box. If you want to browse for the URL, click Browse Web.
You can browse for a file by clicking Browse in the Document/Macro box.