Creating subscript and superscript text

You can create subscript and superscript text to use with footnotes, endnotes, and ordinals. QuickOrdinals automatically replaces ordinals, such as 1st or 2nd, with superscript text. QuickOrdinals can be disabled.

To create subscript or superscript text

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating subscript and superscript text
Select the text.
Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Creating subscript and superscript text Font.
Click the Font tab.
Click Position, and click one of the following:
Subscript — positions the text below the baseline of other characters in a word or line of text
Superscript — positions the text above the height of other characters in a word or line of text

To disable QuickOrdinals

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating subscript and superscript text
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Creating subscript and superscript text QuickCorrect.
Click the Format-As-You-Go tab.
In the Format-As-You-Go choices area, disable the QuickOrdinals check box.

WordPerfect Office note Creating subscript and superscript text

QuickOrdinals is enabled by default.

Creating subscript and superscript text