Correcting capitalization
You can quickly change a word or selected text to all uppercase or lowercase letters, or to lowercase letters with initial caps.
Lowercase and initial capitals exceptions are as follows:
Words beginning with “I,” such as, “I’m,” “I’d,” “I’ve,” and the first word in each sentence, remain capitalized when you convert text to lowercase.
You can change capitalization after the end of a sentence. You can specify that, when you change capitalization after the end of a sentence, the entry is automatically added as an exception item. You can also remove exception items.
To change capitalization |
Select the text for which you want to change capitalization.
Click Edit Convert case, and click one of the following:
Lowercase — changes all letters to lowercase
Uppercase — changes all letters to uppercase
Initial capitals — changes only the first letter of each word to uppercase
You can add buttons to the toolbar for capitalization. For information about toolbars, see “Customizing toolbars.”
You can also change the selected text to uppercase or lowercase by pressing Ctrl + K.
To correct capitalization automatically |
Click Tools QuickCorrect.
Click the Format-As-You-Go tab.
In the Sentence corrections area, enable the Capitalize next letter after end-of-sentence punctuation check box.
To add words to the capitalization exception list |
Click Tools QuickCorrect.
Click the Format-As-You-Go tab.
In the Sentence corrections area, click Exceptions.
In the Exceptions list dialog box, type a word in the Do not capitalize next letter after this word box.
Click Add entry.
Click Close.