Changing hyphen options and position

You can choose how words are hyphenated. Words can be separated with a hyphen, space, or soft return. You can also ignore the hyphenation prompt and let the word wrap to the next line. You can change the position of hyphens in words.

Hyphenation options are available only when automatic hyphenation is enabled and when the document is set to prompt you when a word needs hyphenation. For information about enabling hyphenation, see “Hyphenating text.” For information about hyphenation prompts, see “Setting hyphenation prompts and notifications.”

To choose a hyphenation option

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Changing hyphen options and position
Type text in a document.
The Position hyphen dialog box displays when a hyphen is required.
Click one of the following:
Insert hyphen — inserts a hyphen, which displays and prints only when the word spans the hyphenation zone
Insert space — divides the word by adding a space between the letters you specify
Hyphenation SRt — divides the word by putting a soft return between the letters you specify when the word spans the hyphenation zone
Ignore word — prevents the word from being hyphenated
Suspend hyphenation — halts hyphenation temporarily

WordPerfect Office note Changing hyphen options and position

When the prompt for hyphenation is set to Never, the Position hyphen dialog box does not display. For information about setting a prompt for hyphenation, see “To set a prompt for hyphenation.”

To position the hyphen in a word

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Changing hyphen options and position
Type text in a document.
The Position hyphen dialog box displays when a hyphen is required.
Click in the Use mouse or arrow keys to position hyphen box, and press any of the following keys:
Left arrow — moves the hyphen to the left of the displayed word
Right arrow — moves the hyphen to the right of the displayed word

WordPerfect Office tip Changing hyphen options and position

To reposition the hyphen, click in the Use mouse or arrow keys to position hyphen box where you want the hyphen to display in the word.

Changing hyphen options and position