Indenting text

Indenting arranges text on a page by moving one or more lines to the left or the right of the paragraph margin. You can indent a line or paragraph manually or you can indent lines or paragraphs using the ruler or automatically.

To move the first line of a paragraph farther to the left than subsequent lines, you can apply a hanging indent. To indent an entire paragraph one tab stop from both the left and right margins, you can apply a double indent. A double indent is often used to format lengthy quotations.

WordPerfect Office indents Indenting text

These are examples of indenting text.

To apply a single indent to text

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Indenting text

To indent
Do the following
A line of text
Click at the beginning of a line of text. Press Tab.
A paragraph
Click at the beginning of a paragraph. Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Indenting text Paragraph WordPerfect Office onestep Indenting text Indent.
The first line of a paragraph using the ruler
Click in a paragraph. Drag the First line indent WordPerfect Office pgx first indent Indenting text marker to a new position on the ruler.
The first line of every paragraph automatically
Click in a paragraph. Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Indenting text Paragraph WordPerfect Office onestep Indenting text Format. In the First line indent box, type a value to specify the distance to indent.

To apply a hanging or double indent to text

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Indenting text
Click at the beginning of a paragraph.
Click Format WordPerfect Office onestep Indenting text Paragraph, and click one of the following:
Hanging indent — indents all but the first line in the paragraph
Double indent — indents the paragraph equally from both margins

WordPerfect Office tip Indenting text

You can also apply a hanging indent by clicking at the beginning of any line in a paragraph, except the first line, and pressing Tab.

To remove an indent from text

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Indenting text
Click at the beginning of a line of text.
Press Shift + Tab.

Indenting text