Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

You can use Spell-As-You-Go to automatically check spelling in a document. Spell-As-You-Go underlines misspelled words in red WordPerfect Office pgx wavyredline Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type.

You can also use Grammar-As-You-Go to automatically correct grammatical errors. Grammar-As-You-Go underlines grammatical errors in blue.

Prompt-As-You-Go replaces misspelled words, grammatical errors, and synonyms. The Prompt-As-You-Go list box displays suggestions as you type. A color coding system identifies the type of error encountered. If the text in the Prompt-As-You-Go box is red, the word may be misspelled. If the text is blue, there may be a grammar or usage error. If the text is black, you can choose a synonym to replace the word. If the box is blank, there are no suggestions for the word.

WordPerfect Office prompt Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

In this example, the Prompt-As-You-Go list box displays suggestions for a misspelled word.

To check for misspelled words automatically

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Proofread WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Spell-As-You-Go.

WordPerfect Office note Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

A red underline displays below each misspelled word.
Spell-As-You-Go is enabled if a bullet displays next to it. If Grammar-As-You-Go is enabled, Spell-As-You-Go is also enabled even though there is no bullet next to Spell-As-You-Go. For information on Grammar-As-You-Go, see “To check for grammatical errors automatically.”

WordPerfect Office tip Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

You can disable the automatic checking of spelling errors by clicking Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Proofread WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Off.
You can replace the misspelled word with a new word by right-clicking the misspelled word and clicking a word from the menu.

To check for grammatical errors automatically

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Proofread WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Grammar-As-You-Go.

WordPerfect Office note Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

A blue underline displays below each grammar error.
If Grammar-As-You-Go is enabled, Spell-As-You-Go is also enabled even though there is no bullet next to Spell-As-You-Go.

WordPerfect Office tip Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

You can disable the automatic checking of grammatical errors by clicking Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Proofread WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Off.

To enable prompts for correcting spelling and grammar and using synonyms

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Proofread WordPerfect Office onestep Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type Prompt-As-You-Go.
A check mark next to the Prompt-As-You-Go command indicates that Prompt-As-You-Go is enabled.
Click a word or phrase in your document.
Choose the replacement text from the Prompt-As-You-Go list box on the property bar.

WordPerfect Office note Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type

If the text in the Prompt-As-You-Go box is red, the word may be misspelled. If the text is blue, there may be a grammar or usage error. If the text is black, you can choose a synonym to replace the word. If the box is blank, there are no suggestions for the word.

Marking misspelled words and grammatical errors as you type