Creating data for a merge

When you merge documents, you produce varying copies of a form document. Each copy contains specific information from a record in a data source, such as a data file, an address book, or keyboard input.

To use a WordPerfect data file as the data source, you can create either a data text file or a data table file. In both types of data files, information is organized into records and fields. For example, a record may include a name, address, telephone number, and other contact information. Each item within the record, such as name or address, is recognized as a field. It is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields per record.

When you create a data text file, each field is marked by the ENDFIELD code and each record by the ENDRECORD code.

WordPerfect Office data txt %2344 Creating data for a merge

This is an example of a data text file containing 1) ENDFIELD codes and 2) ENDRECORD codes.

When you create a data table file, fields and records are arranged in columns and rows. Each column contains a field. Each row contains a record.

WordPerfect Office data table %2346 Creating data for a merge

This is an example of a data table file containing 1) records, 2) fields, and 3) field names.

You can retrieve data from other file formats to use as data files in WordPerfect. For example, you can retrieve and convert a database file, a spreadsheet file, an ODBC data source, or a text file. For information about converting files, see “Opening and previewing files.”

You can also use an address book as a merge data source. For information, see “Using address books in merges.”

When you create a data file, WordPerfect automatically inserts a Merge toolbar into the merge data file. For more information about the Merge toolbar, see “Using the Merge toolbar.”

To create a data file for a merge

WordPerfect Office btnbacktotopproc Creating data for a merge
Click Tools WordPerfect Office onestep Creating data for a merge Merge.
In the Merge dialog box, click Data source WordPerfect Office onestep Creating data for a merge Create data file.
If there is text in the active document, enable one of the following options in the Data file source dialog box:
Use file in the active window — uses the active document
New document window — creates a new document
Click OK.
In the Create data file dialog box, type the name of a field in the Name a field box.
For example, if you are creating data for a form letter, you might include fields such as name, address, city, province, postal code, phone number, and e-mail address.
To create a data table file, enable the Format records in a table check box.
Click Add.
To organize a selected field, click any of the following:
Replace — replaces the name of the selected field
Delete — deletes the selected field
Move up — moves the selected field up in the Fields used in merge list
Move down — moves the selected field down in the Fields used in merge list
When you are satisfied with the field names and arrangement for your data file, click OK.
In the Quick data entry dialog box, type information for each field that you have created.
Click New record to add the completed record to your data file. Repeat steps 8 and 9 to continue adding records to your data file. Click Close, and click Yes.

You can also
Number the fields in an empty data file
Click OK in the Create data file dialog box. Specify the number of fields in the Number of fields in each record box.
Add a line to a field
Press Ctrl + Enter.
Move to the next field
Press Tab.

WordPerfect Office note Creating data for a merge

It is recommended that you use no more than 512 fields per record.

Creating data for a merge